Sunday, October 19, 2008

DOS - Disk Operating System

DOS known as Disk Operating System was once commonly used operating System through out the world, when GUI- Graphical User Interface was not present.

M.S DOS helps us mainly to manage files, deal with peripheral devices such as Printers, plotters, scanners etc… and control and optimize your computer.

M.S DOS enforces basic rules that all programs must follow; it is a digital interacting OS. It uses many build in commands according to which all types of interactions occur. It is also an intermediate; it acts as an interpreter between the computer and the user. It converts user understandable High Level Lang into machine language…


DOS Commands:

1. To Change the drive

          E.g.: C:\>A:

2. Date, Time Commands

          E.g.:  C:\> DATE
                   C:\> TIME

3. To List names of Directories and Files

          E.g.:  C:\> DIR

4. Copy a File

          Syntax: C:\>COPY

          E.g.: C:\>COPY student.txt students.txt

5. Clear the Screen


6. Create a new File

          Syntax: COPY CON

                   (Note: press Clt+Z or F6 to save)

7. Renaming a file

          Syntax: REN
          E.g.: C:\>REN students.txt pupil.txt

8. Delete a file

          Syntax: DEL
          E.g.: C:\>DEL pupil.txt

9. Edit file content

          Syntax: TYPE
          E.g.: C:\>TYPE Student.txt

10. Create a Directory

          Syntax: MD
          E.g.: C:\>MD college

11. Move to a mentioned directory

          Syntax: CD
          E.g.: C:\>CD college

12. Deleting a Directory

          Syntax: RD
          E.g.: C:\>RD college

13. Print File content

          Syntax: PRINT
          E.g.: C:\>PRINT student.txt

14. Formatting a disk

          Syntax: FORMAT
          E.g.: C:\>FORMAT A:

15. Display hierarchy structure

          E.g.: C:\>TREE

16. ATTRIB Command

          Change properties of file or directory, into hidden or read only

          E.g.: Hide/ Cancel Hide

          C:\>ATTRIB student.txt +/- H

          E.g.: Make / Cancel Read only

          C:\>ATTRIB student.txt +/- R

17. CD.. and CD\ command

          CD..: command to go back to the previous directory.
          CD\: change to root directory

18. Wild Card Characters

          They are used to replace any other character(s). The two Wild Cards are ‘*’ and ‘?’.

‘*’ : Replace a large number of characters or extensions.

‘?’ : Replaces a single character. 

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